labang lata in sugar syrup

Indulge in the Delightful Labang Lata: A Traditional Sweet from Eastern India

Labang Lata, is a traditional sweet delight cherished in the regions of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, Odisha, and Bihar. This exquisite dessert is renowned for its unique combination of textures and flavors, making it a favorite during festive occasions and celebrations.


The charm of Laung Lata lies in its simple yet rich ingredients:

  • Maida (all-purpose flour)
  • Khoya (milk solids)
  • Nutmeg powder
  • Grated coconut
  • Ghee (clarified butter)
  • Nuts (such as almonds and cashews)
  • Raisins
  • Cardamom
  • Cloves
  • Sugar


Laung Lata is prepared by meticulously combining its three main components: the dough, the filling, and the sugar syrup.

Dough: Made with maida, water, and ghee, the dough is kneaded to achieve the perfect consistency for rolling.

Filling: A delectable mixture of khoya, sugar, grated coconut, dried fruits, and nutmeg is cooked to create a rich, flavorful filling.

Sugar Syrup: Prepared by boiling sugar and water until it reaches a thick consistency, the sugar syrup adds the final touch of sweetness to the dessert.

Assembly and Cooking:

  1. Roll the Dough: The dough is rolled out into small circles.
  2. Add the Filling: A portion of the filling is placed in the center of each circle.
  3. Seal with Clove: The dough is folded to enclose the filling completely, with a clove pressed into the fold to keep it sealed.
  4. Fry in Ghee: The filled parcels are fried in hot ghee until they turn golden brown and crispy.
  5. Soak in Sugar Syrup: The fried parcels are then placed in the sugar syrup, allowing them to cool down and absorb the syrup.

Laung Lata, with its crispy exterior and sweet, nutty filling, offers a delightful taste experience. The clove not only keeps the pastry sealed but also imparts a distinctive aromatic flavor that sets this dessert apart. Enjoying Laung Lata warm enhances its rich flavors and satisfying texture, making it a beloved sweet in many households across Eastern India.

Indulge in the Delightful Labang Lata: A Traditional Sweet from Eastern India 1

Labang Lata Sweet

Labnga Lata is a traditional dessert from Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, Odisha, and Bihar. This sweet treat features a crispy dough filled with a rich mix of khoya, nuts, and spices, sealed with a clove. Fried in ghee and soaked in sugar syrup, Laung Lata offers a delightful combination of textures and flavors, making it a favorite for festive occasions.
Course Dessert
Cuisine Eastern India


For the Dough:

  • 350 grams all-purpose flour (maida)
  • 4 tbsp ghee or Refined Oil
  • Water
  • Oil (for deep frying)
  • cloves (for sealing)

For the Stuffing:

  • 1 cup khoya
  • 1 cup suji – rawa
  • 1/2 cup desiccated coconut
  • 1 tbsp ghee
  • 1/3 sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1 tbsp cardamom powder
  • 1/4 cup chopped dry fruits (optional)

For the Sugar Syrup:

  • 1 ½ cups sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • ½ tsp cardamom powder


Prepare the Dough

  • In a bowl, mix the maida (all-purpose flour) with the melted ghee until it resembles breadcrumbs.
  • Add water gradually and knead into a stiff dough.
  • Cover the dough with a wet cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Prepare the Stuffing:

  • Heat ghee in a pan and fry the suji and khoya on low heat. Stir constantly to prevent scorching until it becomes slightly dry.
    Indulge in the Delightful Labang Lata: A Traditional Sweet from Eastern India 2
  • Remove from heat and let it cool.
  • Once cooled, add desiccated coconut, powdered sugar, cardamom powder, and chopped dry fruits (if using). Mix thoroughly.
    Labang Lata stuffing making

Prepare the Sugar Syrup:

  • In a pan, combine sugar, water, cardamom powder, and cloves.
  • Boil on high heat until it reaches a one-thread consistency

Assemble the Latas

  • Divide the dough into equal-sized balls.
  • Roll each ball into a thin chapati (puri-sized).
  • Place some stuffing in the center of each chapati.
  • Fold the sides of the chapati over the stuffing, then fold the ends, overlapping them
  • Seal each Latika with a clove.

Fry the Latas

  • Heat oil in a wok or deep pan
  • Deep fry the Latikas on medium heat until they are light golden brown on both sides.
    labang lata frying
  • Remove and drain excess oil.

Soak in Sugar Syrup

  • Dip the fried Latikas into the prepared sugar syrup for 1-2 minutes.
    labang lata in sugar syrup
  • Remove from syrup and drain.


  • Enjoy the Latikas hot for a soft texture or allow them to cool for a crispy, sugary crust.

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